The streak continues!

Scoreboard: 7-2 woo!

Well, even though the Pirates are in the middle of their 15th consecutive losing season, their record with me in attendance at PNC Park has improved to 5-0. I really need to write up a proposal to their ownership… they don’t want to spend any money on their players payroll? Ok. Just pay me something like 70K a year (nothing by their standards!) and I’ll come to every home game. They’ll win every time!

The other point of interest of last night’s game was the planned “fan walkout” at the end of the 3rd inning. It was organized by fans to protest the terrible management of the team over the past several years. Organizers were hoping to get fans to stand up and leave after the 3rd inning and exit the stadium to protest. Alternately, fans could just leave for the 4th inning and hang out on the concourse, then return to their seats at the top of the 5th.

Well, the walk out happened, but it didn’t really have much of an effect. The park was only at about 26,000 in attendance last night anyway, and the extra few hundred to 1,000 or so fans who exited for the inning were barely noticeable. There was even booing when people started to walk out.

This was my first game of the year, and it was really fun. I’ll probably try to hit up a few more before the season’s end. Let’s see if the streak will live. As for right now, it’s time to pack and get ready to leave for Vegas.

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