Archive for August, 2006

Escape from Pittsburgh

Wednesday, August 30th, 2006

Tomorrow evening, I’ll be heading back up to CT for the weekend. Book your Anti-Time now folks! I definitely need to escape campus after this last month. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to see some of the folks I missed on my trip up there earlier this summer. Also on the plan will be to […]

This post is about a motorcycle.

Tuesday, August 29th, 2006

More specifically, this post is about the 2006 Honda Shadow Spirit (VT1100C): As you can see, this is a very attractive machine. It’s great look and feel, a powerful 1099cc engine, and man, look at that blue. I’ve had many friends that have had Shadows in the past, and it seems that they’re very well […]

Training, Arrival, and the art of Survival

Tuesday, August 29th, 2006

Man, that was tiring. For those of you who are unaware, the couple of weeks was taken up by RA Training and resident arrival here on campus. What that meant for me was basically very very little time for myself, and a lot of work. To top it all off, I signed up for duty […]

Yay RA Training!

Thursday, August 17th, 2006

Somewhere around a few days ago, you may have started to ask yourself, “Where did Mike go?” While it may appear that I’ve disappeared–given that I’ve not been on IM, or posting, or showing up places, or calling people–I am, in fact, still here. Sort of. It’s RA training time! This past Sunday, the RAs […]

Live by The Jimmy, Die by The Jimmy

Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

So today was an up and down day in poker for me. Down in the cash realm, and nice and up in the Tourney realm. I started at the 1/2 limit tables, but really didn’t get too many good starting hands, and many of those good ones went sour on the flop. But being down […]

A Weekend of Tournament Adventure

Monday, August 7th, 2006

I have to say that this has been a pretty good weekend. Angela is away in Florida, which sucks, but that gives me more free time for a little game called poker. My PokerStars bankroll had gotten a little low, and I didn’t want to transfer in any more cash, really, as last week was […]

I won!

Friday, August 4th, 2006

I played in the wwdn blogger tourney this evening. Contrary to what the title of this post might lead you to believe, I did not win the tourney. I finished in 12th place out of 22. [I’d like to note that I got my chips in when I was ahead on the last hand 🙂 […]

New Toy

Thursday, August 3rd, 2006

Recently my desktop keyboard had an unfortunate encouter with…. well, the wall. After that incident I had been using an older keyboard that I had laying around. This old keyboard sucked. The ‘B’ key wasn’t always responsive, sometimes requiring a truely unreasonable level of force in order to activiate. The other main (and maybe even […]

It’s gone!

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

For the last 26 months, I’ve lived life shackled. Wherever I went, whatever I was doing, I was chained. Whether I was in the office or on vacation, I was never without a constant reminder of my indentured status. Yesterday, however, I was able to cast off the cruel instrument of my oppression. The dreaded […]