Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

The 270 mile sandwich

Sunday, April 25th, 2010

There it is folks, the 270 mile sandwich. The other day at breakfast, I was drinking out of an old reusable cup I had from Jimmy John’s. After I went to work, the thought occurred to me that I hadn’t eaten a Jimmy John’s sub since before I moved to Georgia in 2008. This got […]

A Trip to Hilton Head Island

Monday, May 25th, 2009

I woke up today without much of a plan of what I was going to do. After waking up, and doing a few things around the apartment, I noticed that there was actually sunshine outside. It wasn’t unqualified sunshine—there were dark clouds in part of the sky, and the forecast for the region called for […]

"Move in and secure the objective"

Friday, March 30th, 2007

"Move in and secure the objective"1 So it’s just about that time. Tomorrow morning I leave for Orlando… well, actually Kissimmee, FL2. At any rate, I attend the ACPA conference every year, and go for the professional development opportunities, as well as the chance to see friends who are scattered far and wide. This year, […]

Exercise? What’s that?

Monday, January 22nd, 2007

Long ago, I used to ride my bicycle a lot. I would hop on after work, or on the weekend, and ride a whole bunch of miles. Then I moved, and for some reason I stopped riding. Since I moved to my new apartment back in late May. Since that time, I rode my bike […]

What I really need right now is 1099 cubic centimeters of displacement…

Friday, January 12th, 2007

What I really need right now is a nice long cruise on my Shadow. No distractions…. just me and the bike cruising along with no destination in mind. It wasn’t even a bad day for it either…. low 50s, high 40s… totally managable… But no, I had to go and be the responsible Shadow-daddy and […]

John Peel Day

Thursday, October 13th, 2005

It’s John Peel day. You should be listening to Radio 1 right now. From 2-8pm (EST) they’re doing a Peel tribute, playing stuff from Peel sessions and from the live concerts that are happening all over the U.K. Do it. Do it now.