Archive for June, 2007

Well I’ve been driving in the wrong gear, It’s been a long and lonely ride

Friday, June 29th, 2007

So the last time I checked in, I was a little rant-y.  I go back and forth about how I feel about what I wrote and having put it up here.  For me, I think it was important to get some things out and let them come under some scrutiny from some of you, my […]

Farewell to “The Wheatie”

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

Last night I participated in the final WilWheaton.Net poker tourney.  Wil has hosted these games for the last two years, from when he became a member of Team PokerStars.  Because the current conditions of online poker have changed after the passage of the UIGEA  last fall, PokerStars, it seems, has had to cut back on […]