Archive for the 'bicycle' Category

Reporting from Statesboro

Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

It’s been a little while since I posted over here at I’ve been down in Statesboro for just over a month now, and I’m in my fifth week of work at Georgia Southern University. Work has been very busy, but is going well. Statesboro itself, however, is definitely not Pittsburgh, and it shows in […]

On Two Wheels, Self-Powered

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

Today, for the first time this year, I got outside on the bicycle. It has even been about 2 months since I used the trainer… since before the job hunt stuff really ramped up. I ended up doing 21.5 miles on the south side and jail trails. Overall, I have to say it was good […]

The Continuing Voyages of the Starship ‘Bicycle Trainer’

Tuesday, March 13th, 2007

As I mentioned a while back, I picked up a bike trainer in the hopes of becoming more active. At the same time, I started tracking my food intake more carefully, trying to make sure I was running a reasonable daily calorie deficit. Surprisingly, I’ve stuck with this pretty well over the last six weeks, […]

I love it when the food is free…

Tuesday, January 30th, 2007

…even when the reasons don’t make sense. This evening when I returned home from work, I put some more time in on the trainer. It’s been working out pretty well since I purchased it. I’ve been on the bike almost every day (with days off for rest, of course), mainly after work and while watching […]