Exercise? What’s that?

Long ago, I used to ride my bicycle a lot. I would hop on after work, or on the weekend, and ride a whole bunch of miles. Then I moved, and for some reason I stopped riding.

Since I moved to my new apartment back in late May. Since that time, I rode my bike a total of three times, for about 45 miles. Yes, from June until now, just 45 miles. With about four months of prime riding weather in there. My disinclination to ride was not helped by my acquisition of my other two-wheeled friend in August.

Needless to say, since the time I stopped riding, I’ve noticed a certian reversal of some of those neat effects of my regular biking schedule. Last week, I figured I should do something about that by getting out on the bike, but I let the cold and rainy and icy weather turn into a convenient excuse not to get out there. Also, since I hate going out to the gym and other such things, I didn’t get myself into an exercise facitlity.

Well, today I decided to do something about that. I went out and picked up a Blackburn Trak Stand Trainer. My original plan was to check out Pittsbugh Pro Bikes since that’s where I picked up my bike and they’ve been pretty good to me in the past. As it turns out, they’re closed on Mondays these days, and that’s lame. I ended up going to Gatto Cycle, as I figured they’d be open. I could have waited, but I felt that if I did, I might start finding convenient excuses to not get out and buy a trainer.

After getting an old tire on the back wheel of my bike, the trainer set up pretty quickly. I adjusted all of the settings, strapped on the heart rate monitor and spun for about 45 minutes. Now that I have my bike on a trainer, right in front of my television, computer, and stereo, I should have no excuse not to get on and get some regular exercise in.

I’ll let you know how it goes.

One Response to “Exercise? What’s that?”

  1. theantidj.net » Blog Archive » The Continuing Voyages of the Starship Bicycle Trainer Says:

    […] As I mentioned a while back, I picked up a bike trainer in the hopes of becoming more active. At the same time, I started tracking my food intake more carefully, trying to make sure I was running a reasonable daily calorie deficit. […]

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